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Postpartum hair loss

Explore proven strategies to tackle hair loss after pregnancy

Postpartum Hair Loss - A Comprehensive Guide

Hair loss after pregnancy, or postpartum alopecia, occurs in most women following pregnancy or childbirth. Typically, postpartum alopecia is attributed to high estrogen levels. However, cortisol levels remain high after pregnancy. In some women, thyroid hormones can become imbalanced. This leads to a simultaneous transition of follicles from their growth phase into the resting phase. Coupled with sleep deprivation, potential nutritional stress, and the demands of caring for a newborn, a veritable storm of hair loss ensues. When the follicles enter the resting phase, they begin to shed after 3-4 months. Over a specific period (usually the first six months after delivery), however, this balances out. Early adoption of certain strategies can help to lessen the severity of the problem.

The reduction in hair quantity usually appears quite intense and begins some time after childbirth (from one month to six months). This process is considered by professionals to be a natural physiological occurrence that does not raise particular concerns. Normally, about 80-90% of hair is in the growth phase, with the rest in the resting phase.

Every few months, the hairs in the resting phase fall out. In their place, new hairs begin to grow. Since many processes in a woman's body are disrupted during pregnancy and after the birth of the child, some side effects are possible. Normally, up to a hundred hairs fall out per day, but in the postpartum period, this number can rise to 500, which greatly concerns young mothers. However, hair loss after childbirth is one of the temporary problems caused by changes in the body's condition. Here are some care and nutrition tips to help you preserve the beauty and health of your hair after pregnancy.

Hair Loss in Women After Pregnancy

Increased hair loss often occurs about 3 months after the birth of a child. During pregnancy, hormone levels are significantly higher - this prevents hair from falling out naturally. And when, after the birth of the child, the estrogen level drops and the hormonal balance is restored, the hair begins to fall out more intensively. The process is noticeable since all the hairs, whose lifespan was, so to speak, artificially extended, fall out almost simultaneously. A greater amount of hair loss is statistically seen in women who do not breastfeed.

During pregnancy, 50-60% of hair goes into the resting phase. To restore the natural development of hair, it can take from six months to a year. If active hair loss after the birth of the child continues even after a year, medical advice should be sought from a trichologist, dermatologist, or therapist. The cause may no longer be related to pregnancy but to a deficiency in certain nutrients, such as iron.

Hair Loss After Pregnancy: Causes

Hair loss after pregnancy requires special care to speed up the body's recovery process. If insufficient minerals and vitamins are consumed, hair loss could be more significant. Also, low blood pressure and low hemoglobin levels have a negative effect. To stop or lessen this unpleasant process, it's necessary to identify the causes. One of the most common triggering factors is hormonal instability. Normally, these disturbances settle over time, and the body returns to its former state.

Many vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients go into breast milk. Therefore, it's important not to forget to compensate for this deficiency with fresh fruits, vegetables, and healthy food. Moreover, blood loss during childbirth, especially in the case of a cesarean section, also leads to a deficiency in vitamins and minerals and anemia. Hair loss after pregnancy can be triggered by nervous exhaustion, constant lack of sleep, fatigue, and concerns about caring for the child.

A significant strain on the nervous system leads to weakening of the hair and its loss in large amounts. Also, discontinuing oral contraceptives or other hormonal medications can affect the amount of hair shedding. Treatment of hair loss after pregnancy should be individually chosen, depending on the initial triggering factors. Medical advice regarding proper diet and lifestyle is definitely advisable.

How to Stop Hair Loss After Pregnancy?

Some simple tips can help stop hair loss after pregnancy:

  • Choose simple hairstyles that do not damage the hair. Avoid tight ponytails and braids.
  • Do not use metallic hair accessories and too tight hair ties.
  • Consume nutrient-rich foods with natural antioxidants — they promote hair growth and protect hair follicles. Sources of beneficial microelements and vitamins include fresh fruits, vegetables, and green tea.
  • Vitamin supplements can also help replenish the body's vitamin reserves.
  • Change your hairbrush as often as possible. After using it, it should be washed in warm water with soap to prevent the spread of microbes.
  • Do not comb wet hair; wait until it dries.
  • Using shampoos and care products for hair and scalp from DSD de Luxe can help prevent hair loss after pregnancy.

Hair Loss After Pregnancy: Treatment

There are several effective methods for treating hair loss after pregnancy, recommended by doctors and hairstylists. One example is scalp cryomassage, which strengthens the hair's root system and stimulates the growth of new hair. Home remedies can also be beneficial.

Particularly effective have been the hair and scalp care products from DSD de Luxe.

1.3 Peeling
Peeling 1.3

Dissolves superficial keratin scales and hydrates the scalp and hair. The scalp feels fresh and the hair silky soft. The peeling helps to reduce hair loss and prevents the formation of new dandruff.

Keratin Shampoo 4.1
Keratin Shampoo 4.1

Stimulates hair growth while simultaneously rebuilding damaged hair with keratin, collagen, and panthenol. The shampoo provides shiny, strong hair with volume.

Keratin Mask 4.3
Keratin Mask 4.3

Has a significant effect on hair structure and restores damaged hair due to its high concentration of keratin and lecithin. After using the mask, your hair gains shine, strength, and volume.

Strengthening hair rinses from herbs such as oregano, nettle, bay leaf, nasturtium, chamomile, burdock, plantain, calamus, and sage strengthen the hair.

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