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How fast does your hair grow?

How fast does your hair grow? Explore tips to promote hair growth

Long and thick hair is a dream for many, but it's challenging to grow hair quickly and naturally without using extensions. In this blog post, we'll explore hair growth in detail, discuss the rate of hair growth, and offer tips on how to grow your hair faster, more beautifully, and healthily. Additionally, we recommend our top hair care products to aid in your journey.

How long does it take for hair to grow?

How long does it take for hair to grow?

Hair growth is not continuous but follows a cyclical rhythm.
Phases of Hair Growth:

  • Anagen Phase (Growth Phase): This phase lasts 2-3 years, during which hair grows approximately 1.3 cm per month. On average, the anagen phase lasts 3 to 5 years.
  • Catagen Phase (Transition Phase): This phase is relatively short, lasting about 2-3 weeks.
  • Telogen Phase (Resting and Shedding Phase): After the catagen phase, the hair enters the telogen phase where it may fall out. This resting phase lasts about 3 months before the hair follicle becomes active again, and the cycle restarts.

In summary, during the anagen phase, the hair is actively growing; in the catagen phase, the hair prepares for the resting phase; and in the telogen phase, the hair follicle rests before the process starts anew.

How fast does hair grow in a month?

On average, hair grows about 1 to 1.5 cm per month. This growth rate can vary depending on age, genetics, hair type, and overall health. Most people experience monthly hair growth of about 1.3 cm.

How fast does hair grow per day?

Daily, hair grows on average about 0.05 mm. This adds up to approximately 0.35 mm per week, leading to a growth of 1 to 1.5 cm per month. Under ideal conditions, hair can grow 10 to 20 cm annually if the ends are not trimmed.

Interestingly, women's hair tends to grow faster than men's, with women's hair growing about 1 to 1.5 cm per month and men's hair averaging 7 mm per month.

If we were to line up all the hair growth, it would amount to about 10 meters.

How fast does hair grow per day?0,05 mm
How much does hair grow in a week?0,35 mm
How much does hair grow in a month?1-1,5 cm
How much does hair grow in a year?18 cm

What influences hair growth?

Understanding hair growth requires knowledge of the various factors that can affect it. Here are the key influences:

  • Structure and Genetics: Genetics play a significant role. For instance, Asian hair may grow up to 1.5 cm per month, while curly hair naturally grows slower.
  • Age: The most active hair growth occurs between ages 15 and 30. Hair growth slows with age.
  • Gender: Women's hair typically grows faster than men's.
  • Season: Hair grows faster in summer due to warm air improving circulation.
  • Lifestyle: Diet, sleep habits, and avoiding bad habits like smoking and excessive alcohol consumption positively affect hair growth.
  • Stress and Hormonal Background: Stress and hormonal changes can slow hair growth. Chronic illnesses also have a negative impact.
  • Chemical Influences: Frequent dyeing, perming, and straightening can slow hair growth by about 50 mm per month.
  • Scalp Health: Conditions like seborrhea or dermatitis can impair hair growth. These must be treated to improve hair growth.
  • Circulation: Good scalp circulation promotes hair growth. Cardiovascular diseases and bad habits like smoking or excessive alcohol can negatively affect circulation and hair growth.

By paying attention to these factors and maintaining a healthy lifestyle, you can positively influence hair growth and promote healthy, strong hair.

Can you accelerate hair growth?

While immediate results are unrealistic—no one can guarantee hair will reach your desired length within days—there are ways to support and potentially speed up hair growth by focusing on the health of your hair and scalp, and by taking preventive actions.

Tips for Faster Hair Growth

1. Choose the Right Shampoo

The scalp is more sensitive than many realize. Experts advise avoiding products containing harsh ingredients like sulfates. Instead, choose a shampoo that nurtures your sensitive scalp and stimulates hair growth. Look for natural ingredients and products specifically designed to enhance hair growth.

2. Special Hair Care

3. Healthy Diet

A balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals is crucial for healthy hair growth. Key nutrients include biotin, vitamin E, iron, and omega-3 fatty acids, which promote the health of hair follicles and support growth.

4. Regular Scalp Massages

Regularly massage your scalp to improve blood circulation. Enhanced circulation delivers more nutrients to the hair follicles, potentially boosting hair growth.

5. Gentle Hair Care

Avoid excessive heat and chemical treatments. Use mild hair care products and be gentle when combing and brushing. Regular trimming prevents split ends and keeps the hair healthy.

6. Reduce Stress

Stress can negatively impact hair growth. Find ways to relieve stress, such as through exercise, meditation, or hobbies. A balanced lifestyle not only promotes hair growth but also overall well-being.

7. Adequate Sleep

Lack of sleep can affect hair growth. Ensure you get enough rest to allow your body to regenerate.

8. Avoid Bad Habits

Smoking and excessive alcohol consumption can slow hair growth. A healthy lifestyle without these harmful habits, however, supports hair growth.


While there are no magic solutions for overnight hair growth, these tips and measures can support and accelerate hair growth. By taking care of your health and your hair, you create optimal conditions for healthy and robust hair growth.

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